21.9 C
星期五, 1月 26, 2024

Han Feizi (Book) 韩非子...

The master of Legalist theory Overview Chinese Name: 韩非子 English Name: Han...

Xunzi (Book) 荀子 –...

A summary of the thoughts of various schools of...

Zhuangzi (Book) 庄子 –...

Philosophy of literature, literature of Philosophy Overview Chinese Name:庄子 English Name: Zhuangzi Other...

Mencius (Book) 孟子 –...

One of the four Confucian books Overview Chinese Name: 孟子 English Name:...

Mozi (Book) 墨子 –...

The philosophical Bible of ancient labourers Overview Chinese Name:墨子 English Name: Mozi,...

Analects 论语 – Top...

The origin of Confucian culture Overview Chinese Name:论语 English Name: Analects, Analects...

Tao Te Ching 道德经...

An important source of Taoist Philosophy Overview Chinese Name:道德经 English Name: Tao...

The Book of Changes...

The ancient origin of Chinese culture Overview Chinese Name:周易 English Name: The...

Ming Yi Dai Fang...

Ideological enlightenment calling for democratic politics Overview Chinese Name: 明夷待访录 English Name:...

Chuan Xi Lu 传习录...

It mainly reflects Wang Yangming’s theory of mind and...

Bao Pu Zi 抱朴子...

Established the theoretical system of Taoist immortals Overview Chinese Name: 抱朴子 English...

Lun Heng 论衡 –...

Immortal atheist works in Chinese history Overview Chinese Name: 论衡 English Name:...



The Travels of Lao...

The outstanding representative of the late Qing Dynasty condemnatory...

The Biography of Flowers...

The first dialect novel in the history of Chinese...

The Palace of Eternal...

A legendary masterpiece that shocked the early Qing Dynasty...

Call to Arms 呐喊...

The starting point of modern Chinese vernacular novels Overview Chinese Name:...

Strange Tales from a...

The satirizes of greed and tyranny are vivid Overview Chinese Name:...

The Peach Blossom Fan...

China’s first historical drama reflecting the demise of the...

Journey to the West...

The first colorful romantic mythological novel in ancient China Overview Chinese...

The Unofficial History of...

Holy objects in ancient Chinese satirical novels Overview Chinese Name: 儒林外史 English...

Dream of the Red...

The best masterpiece in the history of Chinese classical...

San Yan 三言 –...

The outstanding representative of Chinese vernacular short stories Overview Chinese Name:...

Investiture of the Gods...

Fantastical novels about gods and demons Overview Chinese Name: 封神演义 English Name:...

Er Pai 二拍 –...

The first collection of short stories written independently by...

Romance of the Three...

The first work of Chinese chapter style historical novels Overview Chinese...

Book of Han/Han Shu...

The first biographical history book describing the last dynasty...

Chronicles of Huayang 华阳国志...

The oldest extant gazetteer of a region of China. Overview Chinese...

Mencius (Book) 孟子 –...

One of the four Confucian books Overview Chinese Name: 孟子 English Name:...

Water Margin 水浒传 –...

The model of heroic romances in ancient China Overview Chinese Name:...

Analects 论语 – Top...

The origin of Confucian culture Overview Chinese Name:论语 English Name: Analects, Analects...

Lun Heng 论衡 –...

Immortal atheist works in Chinese history Overview Chinese Name: 论衡 English Name:...

Guo Yu (Book) 国语...

China’s first history book written with the state as...

The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭...

A romantic masterpiece in Chinese opera history Overview Chinese Name: 牡丹亭 English...

Tao Yuanming Sets 陶渊明集...

The first collection of poetry and prose about rural...

Zuo Zhuan 左传 –...

Chronicle history books with complete narration Overview Chinese Name: 左传 English Name:...

Shu Yu Ci 漱玉词...

Graceful style and the best works commensurate with the...
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